

Posted on Jan 14, 2021 by Macro Mike

We’re bringing you an epic series called “10 questions with” so you can get to know the Macro Mike fam! We get personal, get deep and get them to spill the tea on their morning routine, future goals and who inspires them. This week we get to know Wellbeing Coach, Journalist, Sexologist and all-round sensational woman, Lahnee Pavlovich.

Name: Lahnee Pavlovich

Insta Handle: @lahneeland

Location: Brisbane, Australia

1. Tell us about your morning routine.
Ever since my daughter was born 5 years ago, my morning routine has been the same… wake up, shower, get dressed (often in activewear), put on my makeup (so I feel like I’m ready for the world), and go for a walk! I suffered from post-natal depression and found that having that daily routine helped me feel normal and gets me in the mood for whatever my day threw at me.

2. What's your go-to/favourite workout at the moment?
Home workouts are king right now so I’m loving the Booty Band and body weight movements. I’ve set up a cute spot out the front of my house and hubby and I have been working out at home together which has been a lot of fun. Loud music a must…


3. Do you prefer training in the morning or the evening?
Definitely mid-morning. I’m way more energised at the start of the day.


4. What is your current favourite Macro Mike product?
This is a tough one because I love all of them! But if I had to pick, I’m actually really LOVING the performance range, especially the Pre-Workout. It tastes so good and is a fantastic product.

5. How do you enjoy it?
I drink all three with icey cold water and then extra ice


6. If you could name your top 5 foods, what would they be?
Ok so Donuts are up there (LOVE the new Macro Mike Protein Donut Mix…) grilled chicken (yep Im fairly simple with my foods), Potato in any form, Pizza covered in mushrooms, and basically anything sweet. I’ve just starting experimenting with simple single serve recipes using the Macro Mike Protein Powder and am loving Cookie Butter Cups and Jumbo cookies… so good.


7. Any wacky hobbies or skills we should know about?
Probably a lot! Haha. I am actually an empowerment and sexuality coach so that’s a lot of fun. I think of that as a skill… I work with men, women and couples, guiding them to connect the dots between emotional, spiritual, social, intellectual, physical, and sexual well-being. I absolutely love watching others create more turned-on lives. (Check out Lahnee's work at

I am also a huge fan of baking, but I’m pretty bad at it… Which is why I got into Macro Mike in the first place, the mixes are so easy and yummy so I feel like I’m a real baker.

8. Who inspires you to be your best self?
My kids and my husband. I learn so much from all of them every day and they certainly inspire me to be a better human.


9. What's one goal of yours this year?
To help as many people become better versions of themselves as I possibly can. This goal has always inspired me and now more than ever.


10. What are your favourite words to live by?